Like many creatives, I love to write; I journal often, and keep a sketchbook which actually contains more notes than it does sketches. My interests range from from nature and humankind’s relationship to it, to photography and art making, to visual literacy and education in America. I read books, articles and poetry by nature writers and others regarding these topics.

I have always wanted to Blog, but never seemed to find the time (you know…sort of like going to the gym). I have spent countless personal hours in my teaching career refining curriculum for my students and focusing on “perfecting” the educational experience I deliver each semester. But lately, I have shifted priorities toward my own artistic practice, and I realize that doing so enriches my students’ educational experience. Rather than spending time outside the classroom trying to answer all their questions even before they arise, I now guide students toward independent research and provide tools for them to answer their own questions. Although teaching has never taken from my art making itself, this approach affords me far more time to focus on sharing my work, and to chime in on the things that truly matter to me (and matter to like-minded lifelong learners, nature lovers and art lovers outside my classroom). It’s been a win-win, and I recommend it to anyone who finds themselves in the bad habit of working too much toward the wrong goals.

So, the focus of this page will range from current happenings and insights gained from my own artistic practice, to thoughts I have regarding the topics mentioned at the start. If you are a nature lover who is concerned about how humankind relates to the More-than-Human world, some of my posts might be for you. If you are as disconcerted about the state of the American educational system as I am, some of my posts might be for you. If you are inspired or find yourself laughing ‘til you cry about visual images used in popular culture, some of my posts might be for you as well.

Stay tuned, be well, enjoy living.